Dr. R.J.A. Stephen Loie
What is Cosmic Law and what does the Thirukkural say aout it?
Is it 'Like attracts like' ?- what you think about and what you feel strongly about attracts. But the scientists disputed that the Cosmic Law of Attraction works - they said that like does not attract like. If you take two positive magnets towards each other they would actually repel - not attract.
So now it is the Law of Resonance. The Law of Vibration which states that everything in the universe vibrates will explain what it is. Everything is made up of energy and everything has its own vibrational frequency.
If you want to attract something you need to be at the same vibrational frequency as what you want - The Law of Resonance states that anything that is on the same vibrational frequency makes itself known to each other. They vibrate on the same frequency. When we send out signals on a certain frequency through are thoughts and emotions the universe respond to us with anything and everything that resonates with that frequency.
Hence we should learn to resonate with what we want instead of resonating with what we are doubtful of, fearful of and so on.
When we do that our thoughts and emotions will become things.
This simple formula tells it all. When you realize that thought + emotions = attraction you also realize that it´s important to really involve your feelings when you want something.
Setting your goals from the heart will make it easier for you to reach your goal because your emotions are involved. You will be in a higher emotional state more of the time and this will influence how fast you are able to manifest.
Are there more cosmic laws? We are only touching a glimpse of many unseen laws which are often named differently. Let us see 7 Cosmic Laws
1. The Law of Order
There is no such thing as inharmony, disorder, or chance but always a manifested law in the universe.
From the atoms to the sun, matter to energy, and lowest to highest, there is order or a sequence to everything.
That is to say that everything in the universe is a perfect mathematical equation, following out its sequence.
Every event is linked in the Cosmic events of things.
That everything is a part of the universe.
You are a part of the universe – a piece in a giant puzzle.
When something happens, there is always a reason for it.
There is order in the universe.
Fate and Destiny
But if there’s no accidents, then is everything we do predetermined by fate?
And if it is, then what’s the point of living?
Fortunately, there’s no such thing as fate or destiny.
You, alone, create your reality through the 7 Cosmic Laws.
No one knows your destiny, not even Cosmic Consciousness, but You.
Here’s an example:
If you are wounded and no one comes to heal you, you are fated to die.
But if you are wounded and you are treated, you are fated to live.
There’s nothing mysterious that says that because of fate, you are going to die no matter what.
According to the Law of Order, if you treat the wound, you live.
2. The Law of Analogy
Since the Law of Order states that there is no inharmony, it also follows that everything agrees with each other.
There is an agreement of correspondence between all various forms of manifestations.
“As Above, So Below. As Below, So Above”.
What is true of man is also true for the universe.
What is true of atom is also true for the sun.
What is true of matter is also true for energy.
Studying atoms and molecules is the same as studying the solar system.
Therefore, by knowing yourself you shall have known the universe.
Cosmic Consciousness Will
Many people believe, in theory, that God creates the universe in order to amuse himself.
But it is important to realize that “As Above, So Below”, the Cosmic Consciousness is also present within ourselves.
And so we ask ourselves, why do we wish not to die?
It is because we want to live. No, we MUST live.
And so it is also true for Cosmic Consciousness.
Cosmic Consciousness MUST manifest in order to live and be conscious.
Nothing is done without reason or for some petty amusement.
Take a knife against your chin and your subconscious mind will fight to stop you.
Just as there is an urge for life within yourself, so does Cosmic Consciousness has an urge for life within itself and its universe.
3. The Law of Sequence
Not only is everything is in order, and that all higher and lower forms of manifestation are in agreement, there must also be a cause and effect.
Nothing happens by chance.
Everything has a “before and after” relation.
Nothing is independent of each other.
Man is always interacting with the environment and the environment always interacting with man.
We are all dependent on one another.
So it follows that interacted events begins with a cause and ends in effect.
Prediction of the Future
Through the Law of Sequence, we can know our past and future.
Future is always determined by the past and the decision of the present.
Because, naturally, the future is not set in stone.
Therefore, it does not exist yet.
But, by analyzing the past and recognizing that the actions of the past carries into the present, we see future’s fate.
Even for prophecies that predicts accurate futures.
Their gift of foresight brought them to the spiritual plane, but even the spiritual plane analyzes the past to give future’s prediction.
There is always a cause and effect for something.
And that cause comes from one’s past actions or the communities past actions.
By knowing our past and making decision in the present, we change the future.
4. The Law of Rhythmic Vibration
Everything has a rhythm. Everything has vibration.
Nothing is solid. All physical, mental, or of energy are vibrations.
Quantum physics has confirmed that everything vibrates as subatomic particles and quarks.
Everything moves. Everything is in constant motion.
In rhythm, everything moves back and fro – from one pole to another.
Not only is there order in the universe, that all forms of vibration are in agreement, and that there is cause and effect, but that there is constant change.
“Nothing escapes the law of change” – Clodd
What is Rhythm?
Rhythm is movement measured by the beats of a metronome.
Everything moves to its own beat; it has its own rhythm.
The human heart has a rhythm.
When you breathe in and out from your lungs.
The rise and fall of tides.
Day becomes night and night becomes day.
You work and then you rest. You rest so you can work.
Everything is constantly moving, and they are moving back and forth in a rhythmic pattern.
5. The Law of Balance
Everything comes back to equilibrium in the universe.
One thing is there to balance out the other side.
Everything has a price and it is paid in balance.
And that is why the Law of Order states that all is in harmony and order and that there is no disorder.
Why all forms of manifestation are in correspondence with each other.
It is how the Law of Sequence are brought into effect.
And how it moves back and fro in rhythmic vibration.
All vibrations – physical, astral, mental, and spiritual – has a counterbalance to bring everything to equilibrium.
The Law of Balance says that what you put out will be compensated of equal force.
All of nature has the same law of balance.
Animals eat plants and breathes its oxygen for life.
When the animal dies, plants disintegrates the animal and nourishes from them.
Thus, giving nature balance in life.
Law of Compensation
In the mind and spirit, balance becomes compensation.
Nothing is given for free.
That is to say, we cannot have our cake and keep our penny at the same time.
We must ALWAYS give up one thing to attain another.
For someone to win, someone else must lose.
This we cannot deny.
For every good, there is its evil.
For every sweet, there is its sour.
For everything you have missed, you gained something else.
Nature truly hates monopolies.
Thus, there will always be two polar opposites to equal the playing field.
If you become too much of anything, nature puts you out of the game.
An excess of anything becomes an illness and, worse, an end to one’s life.
So in balance and compensation, moderation is everything.
6. The Law of Cycles
The secret of evolution is found in the Law of Cycles.
Everything moves in a circle.
The Law of Cycles agree that everything is in harmony, that what is above is the same as what is below, that everything happens by sequence, that all things are vibration in rhythm, and that there is balance to the universe.
For the universe to be in balance and move in rhythm, it must move in a circular trend.
That is how they go back to its original point, to its equilibrium.
Cycles functions like this:
- Hate breeds revenge. Revenge seeks to destroy. Destruction causes Hate.
- Animals eat plants. Plants nourishes dead animals.
- Action causes reaction. Reaction causes action.
Life will always go around and around in a circle.
You cannot escape this circle as long as you are part of nature’s game.
Spiritual Evolution
But the way to escape this circle and to evolve is to transmute the circle into a spiral.
Only the wise and strong can evolve the circle into the spiral.
When one’s path is set on spiral, their growth is exponential.
The direction of the spiral reaches you to one point – the Cosmic Consciousness.
This is spiritual evolution.
7. The Law of Opposites
Everything has its opposite.
There is male and female. There is up and down. There is truth and untruth.
But for every male, there is a female within. With every truth, there is an untruth.
And vice versa.
In the Law of Balance, we have briefly mentioned that there is an opposing force to balance the universe.
Those opposing forces are opposite in nature.
And it is through polarity that will bring nature equilibrium.
We have known that from the Law of Order, Law of Sequence, and Law of Analogy that everything is One with each other.
So it is true that polar opposites are but different poles of the same thing.
East and West are seen as polar opposites, but if you were to look on a map, where does East stops and West begin?
Hot and cold are seen as polar opposites but they are really the same temperature in opposite end of the thermostat.
Here is where we find that no matter what we find, there will always be something that opposes it.
You find evidence and counter-evidence for all that you look for, depending on what you focus on.
If you look at Love, you will notice Hate.
If you look at Winning, you will notice Losing.
If you look at Light, you will notice Darkness.
As the saying goes, “One man’s Good is another man’s Bad” or “One man’s treasure is another man’s trash”.
Transmutation of Polarity
With the Law of Opposites, you can choose to focus on what you want.
If you focus on the negative, you get the negative.
If you focus on the positive, you get the positive.
Our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states can change by moving to its opposite state.
If you are not in a desirable state at the moment, never fight it or kill the undesirable.
Instead, transmute your current state into a positive one.
Cosmic Laws in Practice
When you understand these laws, you will see them everywhere.
Know them and you shall become more connected to the universe and control your destiny. Thirukkural teaches us on all these so that we can live happily, having known the Life of Life. This is the way to honour our Life as created. I have given hereunder how I have brought out this through my English Tanslation, which has an interpretation in it.
In my Translation all 1330 couplets each one concise with seven
words in the form of 4 + 3, are structured into three sections namely, Virtue,
Wealth and Love under 133 Chapters, each with 38 Chapters, 70 Chapters and 25 Chapters respectively, having
10 Kurals each as exactly as Thiruvalluvar has done. I have depicted how Kurals
are specific for each walk of life. Let us have a look at this:
Thiruvalluvar has devoted three
chapters from 55 to 57 for Judges. The following Kural is an apt example of it.
“Judge defends all but
Justice defends Judges” (
kural 547)
This is an example of functioning
of Cosmic Law in the macrocosmic level.
This Greek phrase means “Know Thyself”. Valluvar says that the people who are unknown
to this phrase schedule plans through
their wishes, not knowing whether they would live to accomplish them.
“Wishes galore in crores
When gnothi seauton unknown” (
kural 337)
A Korean term to refer to su and jok
meaning hands and feet. This method is a
well developed and proven for treatment without medication, generally known for
treatment on the palms. What our Valluvar says in the following Kural
has a special importance.
“Su-jok being known none
Would be sick” ( kural 593)
Knowledge about out organs, hormones are not illegal.
We have to live happily. We have to know about ourselves at least a little bit.
Physicians are there to treat us where our knowledge would never hinder the
treatment , instead it would understand
it completely. Valluvar being very
knowledgeable and intelligent he is prophetic about our hormonal systems. Interpreters
have to be knowledgeable in different walks of life to understand
Valluvar. His following
Kural astonishes us, as having
been said a long back. This proves him
to be a scientist without any chemical or physical experiment, enabling him to
be called prophet rather than a scientist.
“Foolishly acting
loses function
Of seven
hormones” (K-835)
few people born in this world have this sort of scientific insight even before
science could
into the world without learning science or Some people are prophetic.
Thiruvalluvar has
used number seven in Kural 9835. This seven may be understood pursuant to how
have learnt or known. Each one interprets from his own point of view which is
to say what he
know so far. For me it is exactly the hormonal system only. This can be
substantiated from
itself. Kurals 873,538, 548, 398, 126 also
speak of the same thing. If my readers
at the Kural and my translation keeping this idea in mind, I am sure that they
would surely
what he implies.Just to elaborate “எண்பத்ததான்”
refers to 8 qualities of 7+1
glands, which are the output of these glands functioning properly as our
would never object to it. They are also required qualities for a Governance at
a larger
macrocosmically) and a good health and mind of
the ruler governing at a micro
The list of all eight attitudes and their functions are explained in my
of Interpretation of the Thirukkural.
You can write to me if interested in this topic.(vide:
email id as given above).
We understand that the literature
of a particular era furnishes an insight into the state of knowledge of the
people living in that period. Seen from this angle, Thirukkural is a authentic
mine of information on the progress of civilization in ancient Tamil Nadu. That
the Thirukkural is considered by many scholars to have been composed about 2000
years ago. It is an excellent treatise on social ethics and morality. It is also well known notwithstanding its
non-recognition that it also symbolizes
a condensed encyclopedia of science, agriculture and medicine.
The couplet (1031) indicates the possibility of the
awareness of the rotation of the earth on its own axis:
“Agriculture helps
others like
The earth
Such knowledge wonders us as it
was prevalent before the scientific era. In my opinion this sort of knowledge
might have been attained through the intuition by certain people who had been united with God in their thoughts
and minds, not letting the world know about their close relationship with God. Thiruvlluvar
is one among a few. Another awe-struck example may intensify this thought as
follows. There was a man called Jacob, who is a son of Isaac some 4000 years back. He could explain the
function of the pineal gland, which the scientists have known recently. More
astonishing point is that the said Jacob only named the gland which we still
follow with a slight variance in spelling.( I have written a separate research
article. Those interested may ask for it). Valluvar has an insight in
Astronomy, Mathematics,Geology, Chemistry, Physics etc. Though I cannot write
of all these I have given two Kuarls depicting deep insight and knowledge on Medical science and Psychology
for better understanding of my Translation
“Lie not from heart
Lest heart dysfunction”(293)
“Lie not from mind
To inherit world” (294)
When Scientists speak about heart they say that during 1-3
A.M our endocrine functions start when the function of the brain stops. This
time we are able to know about ourselves completely which is the time of heart
and pineal joining through a secretion. A chemical secreted from the pineal
enters into the heart. During this time if we are in dark place and asleep ( non-rem sleep) melatonin also secretes. If we tend
to voice out against what we are practically experiencing that will make our
heart dysfunction. Scientists know all these just two hundred years back but
how was Valluvar able to visualize all
these ? Answer is his hormonal secretion
that could tell him all that he has said. The same way the next Kural can also
be explained. This has a lot of things to do with psychology also. If we start
analyzing on Valluvar’s medicinal knowledge we can establish an alternative
medicinal system like Unani, Ayurveda,
Siddha, Yoka, Bible-Medicine etc.
Three Kurals deal with positive
abnormalities such as set forth hereunder. I have used the Title of the 8th
Chapter as "BEING LOVE
instead of BEING IN LOVE or BEING
LOVABLE. The language used here is
descriptive in nature, an outcome of
Theo-centric philosophy. This can
be explained through the following translation of the Kural. 'LOVE' is personified in the title as if it were a
human being or a being which is an
embodiment of love. The reason can be explained through the following Kural (72).
“Lovelessness is
selfish but
Lovableness is agape”
Agape, a new ( special) word
invented by Apostle Paul after the Death
of Christ in the Greek language, has no alternative word in any other language spoken all over
the world. Nor is there any equivalent phrase except in Tamil Thirukkural,
"என்பும் உரியர்
பிறர்க்கு", as to my
knowledge, to refer to "the highest form of love". It is not a feeling; it's a
motivation for action that we are free to choose or reject. Agape is a
sacrificial love that voluntarily suffers inconvenience, discomfort, and even
death for the benefit of another without expecting anything in return.
We are to agapao (verb form of
agape), God (Matthew 22:37), our neighbor (Matthew 22:39), and even our enemies
(Matthew 5:43-46). We are not to agapao money (Matthew 6:24), darkness (John
3:19), or men's approval (John 12:43).
Thereby 'lovableness' is a property that makes someone or something
lovable, The teaching is that we have to love (agape) with , "என்பும் உரியர் பிறர்க்கு" not
because we were/ are/ shall(will) be loved back but because it is an
obligation, seeing what God has wonderfully done in the world not expecting anything from
anyone of us.
To explain this I am bringing to
your attention two more Kurals as given
“Advising drunkards is
Torching drowning man” (929)
Thiruvalluvar emphasizes
the point that advice is immaterial
for a drunkard, thereby he invites us to think of the need of something or someone in lieu of advice. That space left off in the
Kural 929 unfulfilled is complemented by Kural 1015, which shows someone
bearing everyone's guilt. Hence we
could understand that "ONE ABOUNDING IN MODESTY" is the dire need for the drunkard not the
advice. How is this possible? Kural 72 answers, saying that through 'agape' /
"என்பும் உரியர்
பிறர்க்கு" it is possible.
“One abounding in modesty
Bears everyone's guilt” (1015)
is the 'agape' or the 'being love'. He needs or expects nothing from you
for bearing your guilt. He does it as He is abounding in modesty. So the
medicine suggested for drunkards is not a piece of advice but a Person, who is
BEING LOVE or agape or "என்பும்
உரியர் பிறர்க்கு
" The same one abounding in
modesty as called in the above Kural is called Modesty itself. This is
personified in the following Kural.
“Modesty guards
society and
Patronizes worldly
good” (1016)
According to Thiruvalluvar, for
everyone’s fault, for guarding the society and patronizing the good world, a “Modesty”
is required. Modesty is Humility or Meekness or Humbleness as the Dictionaries
put forth. So we need someone, who can be called “Modesty” itself. His work
would be two-fold: At a microcosmic level to bear others guilt ( Personal
Saviour) and at a macrocosmic level to safeguard the world and its goodness (
World’s Saviour / Protector) only through his meekness or humility or modesty
or humbleness, not requiring anything from anyone whatsoever.
You can refer to my "ABOUT MY
TRANSLATION" for detailed information on how I have used the words and
structures of English for this translation.
I started this work in 2006 itself. But I could not
continue for sometime after translating 20 Chapters randomly . As and when time
permitted I could do a little bit. This continued till 2010. Thus by this year
I had completed only 35 Chapters. Then I was able to work on it in the year
2014 and could translate yet another 10 Chapters. Then after that I completed
20 Chapters in 2016. For the rest of the Chapters upto 133 containing 1330
Kurals, I tried a one strech attempt in
2017 and finished the work on 15.12.2017. My translation work is an output of
my reading, hearing, learning, education, research, search and qualification.
My thirst for learning made me choose my legal
Profession as an Advocate cum visiting Professor, having I given up full time
teaching and freelance knowledge impartation, and go after books and as a
result, lakhs and lakhs of books
thronged me. My qualification is the
result of my education which impacted this translation. One could find indepth
meaning of Thirukkural using different walks of life, if qualified or
educated in many fields or allied subjects. Had I not been fortunate enough by
the Grace of God to learn psychology, physiology, philosophy, criminology ,
religion, management, alternative,
complementary medicines, law, English and Tamil I would have found it
hard to find the actual meaning of Kural
to translate it correctly.
I am really thankful to our Dr.P.Muthukumaraswamy,
a Tamil veteran for his encouragement to get my translation published, and his
son in law Mr. Natarajan for being a bridge, grateful to my mother, Mrs.
I. Paulin Muthaparanam,who could mould me to be such a man as I am now,
to my 12 year old son, Master S. Shaphan
Jezreel Louie, who was with me most of the times, supporting,
helping me while I was full fledgedly engaged in the work, encouraging me
specially in the years 2016 and 2017,
asking me to complete the work and my wife Fernando Methelin
Amudha cooperating with me, sparing me to spend for learning and
getting educated more and more for this sort of contribution to the society,
while I could not afford to purchase even a house of our own. I thank Mr.
Natarajan son in law of
I thank whole heartedly with profund
veneration Rev.Fr. Dr. Leonard
Fernando, S.J. Rector of the well
reputed St. Joseph's College, Trichy, who has written a
fascinating Foreword for this work
amidst his busy schedule, even when it was peak at the time of
admission. I express my heartfelt
gratitude with profound love to Dr.
Avvai Natarajan, Former Vice Chancellor
and Tamil Prodigy for his wonderful Prelude
despite his physical ailments at this moment.
I thank profusely
my friend Prof. James Sundar, former HoD- English Department,
Loyola College, Chennai and my maternal cousin Thiru Joseph Rego
(Kuttapulian), journalist, then SUN TV jodiporutham anchor for their constant
support, help in coordinating me beyond expression selflessly and sacrificially
for the Translation being crowned with Foreword & Prelude. I thank my friend
Rev.Fr.Bali Reddy,SVD.,Rector - SVD Seminary, DWC, St.Thomas
Mount, Chennai -600016 for his Preamble, expressing his understanding of
Thirukkural as a non- Tamil and Rev. Fr. Dr. G.Lazer,SVD, Director SANSKRUTI-INSTITUTE FOR DRAVIDIAN CULTURE & RESEARCH,
HYDERABAD, INDIA for his words of encouragement. I thank my friend Prof.Ashokan, Patna
University English Department &
former Principal of Patna College for his great acknowledgment with excitement,
being a non Tamil and his constant monetary support for my advice from Thirukkural, whenever I
offered him in his agony,
I thank the
then Prime Minister of India, Dr.Manmohan
Singh for allowing me for tendering first time oral witness before
Parliamentary Committee when Whistle Blowers Bill was introduced, where I could
use my Thirukkural Translation based on legal knowledge in the PARLIAMENT OF
INDIA during questioning session , while tendering my oral evidence. I
thank our Hon'ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi for his immediate steps to be forwarded to
the concerned Ministry for reforming the
Police forces in India based on my article sent to him intuitively written on the advice of Thirukkural as interpreted
and translated by me. I thank the former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Dr. Selvi J. Jayalalitha for
considering my article prepared on the basis of Thirukkural and the Chief
Minister of Bihar, Shri Nitish Kumar for his implementation of ban of
liquor on my petition forwarded to him intuitively based on Thirukkural, mainly
requesting for declaring 25th of December every year a liquor
free day to commemorate the Birth of Christ without liquor.I thank my another
paternal cousin Prof.Constantaine Ravindran for his recommendations,
appreciation and applaud. I really thank the Publishers of this First Edition Palaniappa
Brothers, ‘Konar Maligai’. They have taken appreciable efforts to
publish this “First of its Kind Translation” with a view to taking Thirukkual
to the whole world without its spirit unquenched.
1. HOW
“Guard diligently
words that
Make or mar” (
Kural 642)
With deep veneration I implore my
dear scholars’ attention for this introduction on my translation so that
the first attempt for this translation
and the content review done thereafter could be understood in right
perspective. I am very careful about words pursuant to the advice of the Kuarl
,nevertheless I need a lengthy introduction
on this kind of intensity used in translation.
Let me at the outset tell you
that my natural quest at reviewing English language even when I was doing my
graduation is witnessed in a column called “ Sinning With Words” in the
then The Indian Express. my qualification in law, psychology,
criminology, administration, English language, religions,
alternative/para-medicine and my
unquenched thirst for bilingual grammar ( Tamil & English) barring my
profession as a teacher and an advocate has helped me a lot to understand Thirukkural’s
intensity. I know and understand that Thirukkural is the widely
translated book next to the Bible ,as the world knows. It has a lot of exclusive sections for psychology,
para-medicine, language experts, victims, religion, administrators and
Keeping all these in mind, I plunged
into the task of translating the couplet as
it is with 4 words in the first line and 3 words in the second line,
having myself read a number of interpretations & English translations on Thirukkural.
It took me a number of days amidst my schedules to complete the task. I really
thank the Tamil veteran Dr.P. Muthukumaraswamy, an acclaimed Tamil scholar and
recipient of many awards for his encouragement and his assurance of
getting the book published.
I really am happy to see that I
have attempted a new, different approach in translating the Thirukkural, which
may be of immense use to those, who like
and love life throughout the globe. This translation aims at taking the Thirukkural
to the world with a view to advising the world leaders in terms of peace.
2. HOW
Grammar is the vital part of any
language which actually conveys the exact meaning legally. it is also called
legal language. In English an indefinite article can change the whole meaning
as in “a few, a little” meaning “some”, whereas sans the article as in “ few,
little” meaning “nothing” despite the truth that “ some” or “nothing” could not
replace the above said words respectively. This is because the latter “few or
some” is not perfectly negative in
meaning. The same way the definite article preceding expresses an entirely
different meaning of a sentence from the
one which does not have as “ I am going to
the school” and “ I am going to school”. In the former we understand
that “I am neither a teacher nor a student” and in the latter it means “I am
either a teacher or a student” though there are no such explicit expressions.
“Oxymoron is
wealthy poor
poor wealthy” (kural 973)
It is pertinent to note that
oxymoron is a figure of speech, which would say as ”wise fool”, where we think
that a fool cannot be wise. but in oxymoron it is not so. A scholarly person
behaving as a fool is called “wise
fool”. Likewise wealthy cannot be poor and poor cannot be wealthy too, but poor
person behaving as a wealthy one is
called wealthy poor. It is in a positive sense. The latter, “poor wealthy” is
in negative sense. Moreover I have deliberately employed “poor” instead of
“poorly” as per grammatical rule to
modify the adjective, “wealthy”. If it were, “poorly wealthy” it would
have also suggested positive sense, meaning wealthy person looking like a poor
person, not behaving like. Both the “poor / wealthy” are implied
noun-derivative forms of “the poor / the
wealthy”. thus intensively and descriptively grammatical usages are employed in
this translation to extract the exact sense of
In Kural 978 personification is
used as meant by Thirukkural. A few hyphenated words are also used in Kural 987
I have used third person singular verb instead of third person plural verb after an adjective turned noun, “the great”, because
of the Tamil word, “சால்பு”. This will
help the researchers.
In Kural 999 meaning of being
“pessimistic” is depicted through usage. Certain usages such as in Kural 1000
are employed for minimal words following
English descriptive grammar. In Kural 1006 Thiruvalluvar uses a proper noun as
an abstract noun. The same is kept in mind in translation. In kural 1008 the word,”நச்சம்”is translated
“inaccessible”, which is still in vogue in telugu. In kurals 1014 abstract noun
“ modesty ”is said as a concrete noun, In kural 1016 the same word is shown as
a proper noun, referring to a person. Here in the former two kurals Thiruvalluvar uses figures of speech
only, not changing the pattern of words. The same is concentrated in English
translation. In certain Kurals as in
kural 1049 understood phrases are used.
Kural 1039 is an example for good parable, “Sans capital no gain ,Sans fellowship
defeat “ is a translation without any verb but it implies meaning
clearly like the phrase, “joy, joy this year, boy or girl next year” in the
marriage functions. Kural 1240 is an example of metaphor. In some of my translated
Kurals the usage of definite articles is only understood though not used as far
as the language rules allow. Paradox is also found in the Kural which I have
set forth below.
Certain words are translated keeping in mind the concepts of psychology,
philosophy, law etc. as Thiruvalluvar looks as a sage, philosopher and prophet
would,having known to all of these intensely. in Kural 1067, “ஆ”
is translated not as “cow” but as “heart”. In kural 1111 “anicham” is kept
intact. Apt words such as “lust, wrath, folly” are translated from Tamil
equivalent as the base for disease.(vide:K.360).
In kural 822 Thiruvalluvar is
generally depicted as having degraded
women in translations and interpretations but actually my translation
goes as
false friendship resembles
One sided
This implies the minds of women.
They do not tend to fall in love easily
as the men do. but men having fallen in love long for the love of women. When a
man expresses his love to woman he comes to know that woman’s mind differs from
that of his. This is exactly in friendship also, one thinks that the other is a
friend but when time comes it is known that he is not so. This is the exact
comparison not at all degrading women. The paradox therein is commonly
misunderstood by many.
“Diplomacy (constructive-fact) aiming
good cause
Is also truth”
Many a time we tend to translate/ interpret
that the kural 292 as having licensed us for a lie for
good cause. Lie is lie. Truth is truth, fact is fact and how can lie become truth for good cause?. This is
good thought that we could think of. There are
three different words we use- truth, lie, diplomatic statement=
constructive-fact. in tamil truth is mei, lie is poi,
constructive-fact is poimai, not poimei. Valluvar has introduced
the tamil word, “poimai”. This
looks like a lie but truth. That is why we call it constructive fact. Euphemism
is a figure of speech to express this in grammar,“diplomacy” in law and
administration. Many great men have used grammar adjectives or adverbs to be
diplomatic ,which is a fact actually but
understood differently by the hearers. “constructive delivery of mails”
and “actual delivery of mails” are legal terms. This translation clarifies this doubt also, which has differently been
interpreted hitherto.
“No handicap exists barring
Mistake of law”(kural 618)
Indian Penal Code and Indian
Contract Act do suggest that “mistake of fact” is excusable whereas “mistake of
law” is not. This Thirukkural is very particular about this law even before
these enactments, which came in 1860 and thereafter.
“Wavering mind makes none
international arbitrator”-(kural 598)
“Vallium(வள்ளியம்)”looks as if it
referred to a profession but actually it refers to a professional called
“arbitrator” instead of his profession, “arbitration”.(உள்ளம்)-ஊக்கம்; (இலாதவர்)-இல்லாதவர்; (எய்தார்)-அடையமாட்டார்; (உலகத்து-உலகத்தில்);
(என்னும்)-என்கின்ற; (செருக்கு) -பெருமிதம்.இப்பாடலில் ‘வள்ளியம் என்னும் செருக்கு’ என்ற அச்சொல்
பெருமிதம் என்ற நற்பொருளில் வந்துள்ளது.
ஊக்கம் உடையவர்களுக்கு கிடைக்கும் ஒரு நற்பயனாகச் சொல்லப்படுகிறது.”…வேளாண்மை என்னும் செருக்கு” (613)” …நகலானாம் நன்னயம் என்னும் செருக்கு” (860) ஆகிய பாடல்களில் அது
நல்ல பொருளிலும் ஆளப்பட்டுள்ளது. “உலகத்து வள்ளியம்
என்னும் செருக்கு எய்தார்” - இவ்வுலகத்தாருள் நீதிவழங்க வண்மையுடையேம் என்று
தம்மைத்தாம் மதித்தலைப் பெறார். “Arbitration is a divine function”, (a quote from
the speech on 11th of December 2015 at ICA International Conference on “Arbitration
In The Era Of Globalization” at FICCI, New Delhi
by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India Hon’ble Mr. Justice T.S.
Thakur) “Arbitrators are “God’s people”( I Corinthians 6:1-5-Berean Study
Bible,Good News Bible). My paper on “Arbitration And Its Relation To Family
Laws” presented in the University of Madras on 28-29 January 2016 has
elaborated on this. The Tamil word, “vallium” is the oldest but newly
discovered one for English is
“Truth is established through
Three unintroduced witnesses” (589)
For Arbitration or for any Court proceedings witnesses are
important. Valluvar speaks of three unknown witnesses. We can see his insight
in this matter too.
“நயப்பித்தார்”(nayapiththaar) is the newly
discovered tamil word for ‘conciliator’ from the thirukkural-1189 and 1190. Kural
1189 has indicated of family conciliation, which is very new law in India after
the introduction of Arbitration And Conciliation 1996.
Kurals 725-730 speak on practising
advocates/ lawyers. They are self evident in this translation.
Kural 1265, 1286 translation have
in the above phrasal verb, meaning to
suggest that there was “to think, await and view”. This is the exact meaning of
“look on” ..
Kurals 873,835,538, 548, 398, 126 speak of 7+1 endocrine glands that we have. Kural
392 speaks of “eye”, which has a deeper philosophical and physiological
implications as detailed above
Kurals 378, 374,320, 245 are examples of Cosmic Law.
Kurals 350, 425 are rhythmic as
in Tamil
Items numerically used by
Valluvar are exactly translated as you could find in Kurals 863, 864
For better understanding
“cheater” is used in place of “ cheat” as most of us know of it. It is also
used in North America. In the 3rd Section entitled “Love” many words accustomed to the
culture where Thiruvalluvar resided are used, which need reception in English vocabulary.”NO-BETTER”
as in Kural 143 is a coined word. In Kural 293 “lest” is used to mean ‘so that not’, which is always
followed by “should”. Here “should” is understood and so third person singular
verb does not follow it. The same rule is applicable for Kural 127 in the
translation.” A few foreign words such as “sans” instead of “without”,
“sulkiness” for “paleness” , “gnothi seauton” for “Know Thyself”, su-jok for
handy treatment, legal phrase, “mens-rea”(K-282, 287) for “ill-intention”,
“agape” for love that has no condition as explained above are employed in this
translation for accuracy ( Some of them have already been explained) . In Kural
1240 there is no finite verb but there is a meaning clearly understood. Kural
1210 the modal verb, “May” is understood. As in Kural 939 many two words are reduced to one word as “flee”
for “go/run away”
Though Chapter is named “ After
Women” it is all about how men should be with women and all Kurals are
translated with apt words keeping in mind the original thought of Thiruvalluvar.
Valluvar defines “idiots” as “திருநீக்கப்பட்டார்”, “திரு” ,being a title for ordinary people,
if it is removed from them they become idiots, having friendship with
prostitutes, liquor and gambling. English Dictionaries define them as being
with no other job than whiling away the time.
“Unprepared speakers long for
A long speech”( kural 649)
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